Inside Musical Instruments – Amazing Images

Inside Musical Instruments – Amazing Images

Vivid illustration of craftsmanship

Here are some amazing images taken of musical instruments for an ad campaign for the Berliner Philharmoniker to illustrate the high level of detail for craftsmanship.

They show the inside of different instruments taken with a macro lens and they are simply stunning, making the inside of brass and strings instruments feel like magical rooms.

The light falling through the sound holes of the string instruments is simply stunning, as is the shot inside the brass instrument, it makes you want to explore it like a long lost underground tunnel. We have never seen pictures like these, and we hope you are as stunned as we were.

Art Director Björn Ewers commented the approach for this shooting:

The task was to create a campaign for the chamber-ensemble of the Berliner philharmonic. The idea is to show instruments from inside to be close as possible to the music.

The Unseen Work In Making Great Instruments

What these amazing images also illustrate is the craftsmanship that goes into often unseen parts of a musical instrument, the carefully selected wood or brass that is then shaped to create a strong internal structure without compromising on the sound.

This is in fact the same ethos we have at e-instruments when we create an instrument for you to use in your own music production.

We take the same care and attention to detail to get you as close to the real instruments as we can. There is so much going on under the hood of one of every single one of our virtual instruments.

We don’t just build sample libraries we take time to create great sounding instruments… if you could only get a camera inside an e-instrument you would see.

For more info and for full credits for this amazing project click here

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